기술혁신과 효율경영을 바탕으로 국가와 사회에 기여하는 기업 ㈜터머솔 고객감동, 종업원 만족, 회사 가치 극대화를 추구하는 터머솔입니다.

    Management Goals and Vision

    Perform enterprise contributing to state and society based on technology and efficient management. Maximize customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and company value through customer satisfying products and services.

    Operating Policy

    • Create new businesses in new markets

    • Improve quality

    • Human resource oriented management

    Company Vision

    Grow into world class (top 3) gas turbine sheet metal component manufacturer through customer satisfaction, quality advancement, and top tier technology

    • Customer Focus

      Customer satisfaction through best product and service

      Resolve all issues from customer’s perspective

    • Quality First

      Execution of quality prioritizing policy

      Establishment of stable quality control system

    • Technology Innovation

      Training of technicians, advancement of systems

      Continued research and application of new technology