기술혁신과 효율경영을 바탕으로 국가와 사회에 기여하는 기업 ㈜터머솔 고객감동, 종업원 만족, 회사 가치 극대화를 추구하는 터머솔입니다.

    Organization Chart and Personnel

    Organization Chart

    • Management Team

      Management/General Affairs/Human Resources

      Cost Management


      Asset Management

    • Production Team

      In-house Manufacturing (Management)

      Equipment/Mold/Jig Management

      Component/Process Development Support

      Process Improvement/Logistics Management

    • Technology Research Institute

      Development of New Components/Processes

      Design and Manufacturing of Molds and Jigs

      Establishment/Technological Development of New Equipment

      Mass Production Technology

    • Quality Assurance Team

      Establishment of Quality Assurance System

      Internal/External Quality Inspection

      Management of Special Processes

      Inspection and Calibration

    • New Project Team

      Segmentation of New Project

      Establishment of System and Standards

    Cycle : 1. Academics/Experience : Highly experienced experts with 7 people with more than 20 years of G/T manufacturing experience, and 10 people with more than 10 years.
    2. Superior development capabilities compared to company size due to technology/quality oriented personnel (development/quality)